
Our Commitment
The Administración Portuaria Integral de Tamaulipas, S.A. de C.V. is committed to improving and optimizing the consumption of natural resources, minimizing waste generation and implementing actions aimed at preventing pollution, preserving the environment and "decarbonizing the ports".
Protection Area

The Port of Matamoros is an example of environmental compatibility and sustainable development.
At the national level, it is the only port located within a flora and fauna protection area, with the following characteristics:
  • Mexico's most extensive hypersaline ecosystem
  • RAMSAR Site No. 1362
  • More than 450 species of migratory waterfowl
  • More than 36% of the world population of red-crested pochards
  • Unique breeding colony of white pelicans in coastal environments
  • Four species of mangrove: red, white, black and buttonwood.
  • Four of the six existing felids in Mexico have been reported:
    1. Jaguarundi
    2. Ocelot
    3. Wildcat
    4. Jaguar
  • Two species of protected turtles:
    1. Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii)
    2. Green turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Environmental Impact Authorizations

To carry out activities and operations at the Port of Matamoros and its area of influence in harmony with the environment and the community, reducing environmental impacts, seeking to be a sustainable and sustainable port.
Environmental impact resolutions:
  • 37 environmental conditions (14 complied with and 23 in process)
  • 14 environmental monitoring and conservation of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna programs
  • Monitoring of water, soil and air quality parameters
  • Integrated waste management